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Get ready for a blast of color and fun with our latest gamerace power, Pawns! Overview Pawns brings the best of the classic card games with a fresh and fun nxat twist. The goal is simple: be the first to play all your cards. The player who reaches the goal score by the end of the round, wins the game. Gameplay To play a card, you must match the top card on the discard pile either by the number, color, or type. If you don’t have a anything that matches, you must draw a card from the draw pile. On each turn, the player will have 15 seconds to play. If they don't, they will be dealt two cards as a penalty. If a player misses their turn twice in a row, they will enter AFK Mode and will be disqualified if they miss a turn again. When AFK Mode is on, they will only have 9 seconds to play in their next turn. If you don’t have a playable card, you can draw one from the draw pile. If the card you just drew is playable, you’re forced to play it. When playing your next to last card, you will have 3 seconds to shout PAWNS. If you don’t and another player catches you before the next player begins their turn, you will be dealt two cards as a penalty. Special Mode This is game mode introduces new cards and rules to the classic gameplay.: • You can play Draw Four cards whenever you want. • You can stack Draw Two / Draw Four cards on top of your opponents’. The next player without a matching card will draw the sum of the numbers. • You can draw from the draw pile even if you have a playable card. Discard Card • This card allows you to discard all cards that have the same color as this one. • This card may only be played on a matching color, or another Discard card. Swap Card • This card can be played on any card. • This card allows you to swap your hand with the opponent’s hand of your choice. • This card will maintain the same color as the previous played one. Duo Mode This game mode includes all the same rules as the classic one but allows you to team up with another player to play against another team. When either of the team members wins the game, both players will be winning and will receive the prizes if set. Scoring and Winning Once a player plays their last card, the round is over. Points are tallied and the next rounds starts. The points are talled based on the cards left in the other players’ hands. Each card is worth the following: If you are the first player to get rid of all your cards, you get the points for the cards left in the other players’ hands. Each card is worth the following: Number: Number value Draw Two: 20 points Reverse: 20 points No-Play: 20 points Discard: 20 points Wild: 40 points Draw Four: 60 points Swap: 60 points We will release a public beta for this game first. In order to host a game, you must own the Pawns power. You don't need the power to play, though. To bring the bot, you must open the game app and send !bot in main chat.
ID: 692 Name: Tony Status: Limited Store price: 211 xats Stickers: (tony.cheer), (tony.laugh), (tony.love), (tony.sigh), (tony.wave) This power allows you to send cat-themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power Tony (ID:692) and have days to use stickers. Smiley of the sticker Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (tony.cheer) (tony.laugh) (tony.love) (tony.sigh) (tony.wave) Custom text To add custom text to your sticker, add a ‘#’ after the sticker code and a word. Examples: (tony.love#adorable) (tony.laugh#LOL) Custom text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. Examples: (tony.love#adorable#ffffff#0b0b0b) (tony.laugh#LOL#347235#C3FDB8) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. Example: (tony.sigh) So Tired... If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you. New information will be updated.
SADIE (ID: 691) This power allows you to send saide-themed stickers Note: You need to own the power (691 - SAIDE) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (sadie.brain#it's complicated) (sadie.hands#Hello Everyone) (saide.head#HEADSHOT) (saide.heart#I LOVE MUCH) Custom text You can add custom text to your sticker. To do this, change the content after the "#". Maintaining the beginning of the text (power name) For example: (sadie.joy#Who's there?) (sadie.raid#Stop bothering) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (sadie.joy#Who's there?#blue#red) (sadie.raid#Stop bothering#green) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (sadie.heart#LOVE) My love for you is very great (sadie.raid#Stop) i Am Very Angry Hats (hat#hL) - (hat#hb) - (hat#hh) If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
ID: 689 Name: Silo Status: Limited Store price: 300 xats Smilies: silo, silobear, silobird, silobutterfly, silocat, silochicken, silodolphin, siloelephant, silofish, siloflamingo, silohorse, silokoala, silolion, silomeerkat, silomonkey, silopanda, silopenguin, siloshark, silotiger, siloturtle Hats: hr, hd, hl, he, hk, hm, hy, hn, hw, ht, hc, hf, hp Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
ID: 688 Name: Nyfun Status: Unlimited Store price: 150 xats Smilies: nyfun, nyhit, nyme, nynosleep, nytime, nywrong Hats: hf Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
ID: 687 Name: Cheers Status: Limited Price: 200 xats Smiley previews: Pawns preview: Stickers preview: Wiki: https://nxat.wiki/Cheers
ID: 686 Name: Furball Status: Limited Price: 200 xats Smiley previews: Smilies: furball, brokenbauble, bulboff, dogdeer, fbfalling, fbfurious, fbhat, nosnows, shakextree, stealgifts Hats: hT hl Wiki: https://nxat.wiki/Furball
ID: 685 Name: Snowies Status: Limited Store price: 225 xats Smilies: snowies, swbauble, swcandle, swgift, swhat, swmilk, swmistletoe, swsnowman, swstar, swstocking Hats: hS, hO Smiley previews: Pawn previews:
CHILLY (ID: 683) This power allows you to send snowman-themed stickers. Note: You need to own the power (683 - CHILLY) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (chilly.gift#Merry Christmas!) (chilly.melt#Global warming!) (chilly.shiver#This is a bit too cold) (chilly.wave#Hey!) (chilly.wink#Best time of the year!) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (chilly.melt#I hope to be here next year) (chilly.wave#Don't forget my gifts!) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (chilly.melt#I hope to be here next year#red#blue) (chilly.wave#Don't forget my gifts!#e59400#b27300) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (chilly.melt#Oh God!) We should treat the planet better, otherwise... If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
ID: 681 Name: Snowball Status: Limited Price: 199 xats Smilies: (snowball) (bsnowball) (snfall) (snfire) (snice) (snlove) (snroll) (snrotation) (snsplash) Pawns: (hat#hf) (hat#hs) (hat#hp) (hat#hr) Wiki: https://nxat.wiki/Snowball
ID: 682 Name: Gkturkey Status: Limited Price: 250 xats Smilies: (ktstar) (ktlove) (kthot) (kthatm) (kthatf) (ktfried) (ktcrying) (ktcool) (ktconfuse) Pawns: hat#hf hat#ht
ID: 678 Name: Hallowneon Status: Limited Price: Unknown Smilies: hallowneon,neodevil,neoghost,neomoon,neomummy,neopot,neorip,neoskull,neospider,neovampire,neoweb,neowitch Hats: hn, hg, hw
Autumn is here! Enjoy it! ID: 677 Name: Autumnmood Status: Store price: xats Smilies: (aujam) (aumushroom) (ausquirrel) (autree) (autumnmood) (leafwind) (pknhat) (pknmagic) (windcoat) Hats:
ID: 679 Name: Ghosty Status: Unknown Store price: Unknown Smilies: ghosty, ghstback, ghstcool, ghstcry, ghstdead, ghstlove, ghstmad, ghstsad, ghstshocked, ghstsmile, ghstsurprised Hats: hy Smiley Previews: Pawn Preview:
ID: 676 Name: Krobo Status: Limited Store Price: 244 xats Smilies: krobo, krback, krgoo, krheart, krjump, krlove, krloving, krmad, krrage, krsing, krsleep, krwink Hats: hL, hk Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
ID: 675 Name: Moyai Status: Limited Store price: 277 xats Smilies: moyai,moybird,moydead,moyfunny,moyheadphones,moylaugh,moypeek,moyrage,moysnooze,moyspeechless,moysurprised Hats: hm
Who is in the MOOD for a new power? ID: 674 Name: Mood Status: Limited Store price: 345 xats Smilies: mood, mblissful, mcalm, mgiddy, mirritated, mmad, mmellow, msad2 Hats: hL, ha, hb, hc, hd, he, hf, hg, hh Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
ID: 673 Name: cathats Status: Limited Price: 333 xats Smilies: cathats,chbouncy,chcover,chfall,chluv,chscratch,chsiton,chsleep,chstack,chtip Hats: hat#hc
Style your profile. Set a background image, select a theme & more. Background image Set an image url or a color, this will apply as your background at the top. Info back color Change the background color on the name / online / friend text and icons. Gradient theme Your profile gets a gradient theme. Select one of the 6 themes: Neptune, Phoenix, Aurora, Ocean, Galaxy, Aegis. Hide icons Info icons such as reg/sub, homepage, gifts can be hidden. To edit, go to chat Settings -> Powers -> Pstyle. Note: Only available in xat version 1.62.1, out now. Power to be released in store. You can test with (672) power
ID: 666 Name: 666 Status: Limited Price: 666 xats Smilies: Limited Pawns: Wiki: https://nxat.wiki/666
ID: 670 Name: Supergirl Status: Limited Store price: 340 xats Smilies: supergirl, sgback, sgcharge, sgchuckle, sgcute, sgjoy, sgkitty, sgloading, sglove, sgshield, sgsmirk Hats: hL, hz, hg Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
ID: 669 Name: Springeaster Status: Limited Store price: 299 xats Smilies: springeaster, spebee, spbutterfly, spcake, spegg, spegghat, speggs, spflowers, sprainflowers, sptree Hats: hL, hs, ht Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
ID: 667 Name: Lights Status: Limited Price: 42 xats Smilies: lights, lights2 Limited Pawns: hl, hi Wiki: https://nxat.wiki/Lights
ID: 668 Name: Superfarm Powers required: Beautifly, Birdie, Butterflies, Caterpillar, Farm, Froggy, Kbee, Kchick, Kcow, Kduck, Kfox, Kpig, Ksheep, Kwolf, Ladybug, Owlie, Piggy, Roosters, Snail, Sqanimal, Toad Wiki: https://nxat.wiki/Superfarm Preview: