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Everything posted by Mihai

  1. ID: 705 Name: Axo Status: Limited Store price: 299 xats Smilies: axo, axochill, axocringe, axoglare, axonod, axoodd, axoplead, axosad, axostare, axotongue, axowink, axoworry, axoback Hats: hP, hk, hm Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
  2. ID: 704 Name: Cogu Status: Limited Store price: 356 xats Smilies: cogu, cgsurprise, cgstarry, cgsad, cgrainbow, cgkissy, cgirked, cgha, cgevil, cgcry, cgback Hats: hc, ho Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
  3. ID: 699 Name: Maus Status: Limited Store price: 250 xats Smilies: maus, maujoy, maua, mau6, maulove, maumad, maunrd, maushocked, maustarry, maustress, mauwink, bkm1, bkm2 Smiley Previews:
  4. Ace-specific hat codes Below is a list of ace-specific codes. Opposed to the default hat codes, these require Hat, possibly another power and a specific ace subscription to function. (hat#Eyh)
  5. ID: 698 Name: Flor Status: Unknown Store price: Unknown Smilies: flamaze,flconfused,flcry,flgagged,flgrin,flhearts,flsleep,fltongue,flwink,florback,florback2,florback3,florback4,florback Pawns: hat#hd, hat#hr, hat#hh, hat#hb, hat#hs Smilies (preview): Pawns (preview):
  6. Mihai

    ID 697

    ID: 696 Name: starfx Status: LIMITED Store price: 199 xats Smilies: starfx, starfx1, starfx2, starfx3, starfx4, starfx5 Hats: hg, hq Smiley Previews: Pawn Previews:
  7. ID: 696 Name: Likes Status: Unlimited Store price: 300 xats Smilies: likes, browsing, disliked, follow, like, lowbattery, notif, overload, phoneback, selfie Hats: hk, he, hj, hm Smiley Previews: Hat Previews:
  8. ID: 694 Name: Terra Status: Limited Store price: 250 xats Smilies: terra, apples, dayafter, dig2, earthhat, ecobag, windmill2, terratemp Hats: ha, hd, ht, hr
  9. id 693 Name: Creamy Status: Limited Store price: 256 xats Smilies: creamy, crsmall, crsmug, crhold, crhold2, crgirly, crcry, crback3, crback4 Hats: hL, hh, hp, hb, hs More info will posted soon.
  10. Buna, este o putere de colectie, unde iti trebuie toate cele 13 puteri pentru a avea puterea Superhistory
  11. ID: 695 Name: Superhistory Required powers: Android, Dinosaur, Egyptian, Eighties, Moyai, Piracy, Retro, Shinobi, Sparta, Stoneage, Tech, Ten and Wildwest. Smiles: Pawns:
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