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Everything posted by LaFLeur
Good thanks you lemona 😎
Anyone can post a topic within this section of the forum. However, for quality purposes, the formats below should be followed as closely as possible. Certain information may not be available when a power is announced, e.g. ID, status or price. It is acceptable to post a topic without some of this information. However, there should always be image previews included unless it is a function power. The missing information should be added when known. The information can be provided in any order (unless it it is a sticker power) and in any suitable formatting. Extra information can be added where appropriate, e.g. if other powers are required. Smiley / FX powers For example:https://forum.nxat.eu/topic/11342-560-umbrella/ Function powers For example: https://forum.nxat.eu/topic/7094-497-hats/ Sticker powers (please replace the text in red)
Here are some suggestions that could be added to the application. Some suggestions for mobile : Add tickle tab or a notification on phone instead and prevent against having 100 notifications of the same user ? (Example : LaFLeur(590130084) tickled you on the chat @Nxat5) Add a notification when there is a new xat app update instead of checking wiki each time (Example : New nxat app update is available....) Add a player to read Youtube videos. Add a search bar on powers list (So i won't waste my time on looking for power xD) Being able to delete chat messages. (with the arrow on the end of each messqge) Being able to show marry/bff on userlist. Being able to click on links and defauts links such as register, login, twitter.. etc.. Being able to be aware of a release of power with a notification when you aren't connected on nxat, or home? (Example : The Power xxx will be released in 30 min!) Being able to add our own background on app home? [NEW] - Being able to edit your xatspace and show the xatspace depending of the size of the phone (I know, it's coming .. ) Ability to have a special page to edit our chat. Receive notifications of private message on the phone with a sound or vibrate? Having something that shows that the message has been sent (since timestamps are added on the chat), because sometimes we believe that the message is sent, it is not sent. Since 90% of mobiles have a "selfie" camera, i think the "webcam" app should be remade in phone version, so you can having fun (isn't nxat definition?) with people everywhere in the world and share what you are doing (like snapchat or periscope) when you are not on your pc, same with game app (c4, pool), we should have the same kind of app in phone version, so game should be more used. More soon....
ANDROID (ID: 690) This power allows you to send Android-themed stickers Note: You need to own the power (690 - ANDROID) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (android.confused#it's complicated) (android.crying#Do not Cry more) (android.error#Was an Error) (android.laugh#Spectacular) Custom text You can add custom text to your sticker. To do this, change the content after the "#". Maintaining the beginning of the text (power name) For example: (android.nope#This is not what I expected) (android.love#I'm in love with you) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (android.nope#This is not what I expected#blue#red) (android.love#I'm in love with you#e59400#b27300) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (android.love#This love!) It will drive me crazy if I don't stop Hats Hats: hb ha If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
ID: 680 Name: Patches Status: Limited Store price: 300 xats Stickers: (patches.banana), (patches.boot), (patches.confused), (patches.fly), (patches.hammer) Hat: hp This power allows you to send panda-themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power Patches (ID:680) and have days to use stickers. Smiley of the sticker Pawn of the sticker hat#hp Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (patches.banana) (patches.boot) (patches.confused) (patches.fly) (patches.hammer) Custom text To add custom text to your sticker, add a ‘#’ after the sticker code and a word. Examples: (patches.banana#Hello) (patches.confused#What) Custom text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. Examples: (patches.banana#Hello#ffffff#0b0b0b) (patches.confused#What#347235#C3FDB8) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. Example: (patches.banana#We Love#ffffff#0b0b0b) Pandas! If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
This is a group function power. ID: 636 Name: Gstyle Status: N/A Store price: N/A By assigning multiple Gstyle powers, more styles are unlocked. Styles 1x Gstyle assigned: Set a country flag next to the group name. As a bonus, you get two navigation bar themes: Planet and Space (can be withdrawn at any time). Only official xat groups can use the xat flag. 2x Gstyle assigned: Apply a different font style on the group name and description. 10 different fonts available! 3x Gstyle assigned: Set a glow effect on the group name and description. Editing Assign and activate the gstyle power(s), then save. Next, go to the "appearance" tab and you will see the gstyle section. The power will be released soon! You can already check it out at nxat.eu/nxat.
This is a group function power. ID: 634 Name: Whitelist Status: N/A Store price: N/A By default, guests cannot send links (URLs) in nxat chats. With Whitelist power, you can allow guests to send specific links on your chat! How it works First assign and activate the group power. Then simply click on the "edit" button at the group powers tab on the editgroup page. In the modal window that appears, set an URL such as nxat.eu or google.com. You can also select if the URL should be whitelisted for "registered" users only. By default, it is set to "all", meaning that both unregistered and registered guests can send the links. After saving, guests can post links such as nxat.eu or anything that is added before or after, i.e. forum.nxat.eu or nxat.eu/nxat or nxat.eu/store. The power will be released very soon! You can already try it out at nxat.eu/nxat
CLAUDE (ID: 629) - LIMITED This power allows you to send crabs-themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (629 - CLAUDE)and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (claude.confused) (claude.happy) (claude.love) (claude.rage) (claude.shocked) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (claude.confused#NxatNoticias) (claude.love#nxatNoticias) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (claude.confused#nxatNoticias#28c738#63ff80) (claude.love#nxatNoticias#5d28c7#bc63ff) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (claude.shocked#nxatNoticias##75520f#ffb663) Welcome to Noticias
STATUSFX (ID: 623) - EPIC This power allows you to add animated text effects to your status. How does it work? To add effects to your status, you are required to have at least one unit of this power. You need to head over to the settings page > powers section > Statusfx setting. You will be able to choose the effect you want and the speed it will have. You can choose the speed from 1 – 6. How much does it cost? This power costs 5,000 xats per unit. We have 13 effects in total so far, and you will be able to unlock 4 effects for every Statusfx power you buy. This means you would need at least 4 units to unlock them all for now. Current Effects 1 => Scroll Left, Scroll Right, Scroll Up, Scroll Down 2 => Bounce, Fade-Out, Shake, Translucent 3 => Flip, Slide Down, Slide Right, Typing 4 => Wave Some effects like Scrolll Up/Down, Fade-out and Typing allow you to add a second status! A text field will appear in the powers setting. Examples Flip Scroll Left Translucent Typing Wave More effects are expected to be added in the future, so feel free to post your ideas down below!
ID: 589 Name: FACE Status: Unknown The new power is called: FACE Pick and mix smilie faces with 1000s of combinations possible. Choose different eyes, mouths and others elements to create a new unique smilie face. Usage: (face.wEYES.MOUTH.OTHER) - Mouth and other are optional Example: (face#wsmirk.chew.swt) - Smiley with smirk eyes, with chew mouth and swt. EYES: ashamed, biggrin, chew, confused, contempt, cool, cry2, crying, d, eek, frown, goo, hello, inlove, mad, mischief, nme, puke, redface, scn, sleepy, smile, smirk, swear, swt, tongue, vampire, wary, wink, yum MOUTH: ashamed, biggrin, chew, confused, contempt, cool, cry2, crying, d, eek, frown, goo, hello, inlove, mad, mischief, nme, puke, redface, scn, sleepy, smile, smirk, swear, swt, tongue, vampire, wary, wink, yum OTHER: cry2, crying, inlove, redface, swear, swt More examples: (face#wmad.cool) (face#wwink.nme) (face#whello.contempt) (face#wpuke.nme) (face#wmad.wary) (face#wsmirk.chew) (face#week.hello) (face#winlove.mischief) (face#wsmirk.scn) (face#wnme.confused) (face#wswear.hello) (face#wd.confused) Happy smiley making!
NARWHAL (ID: 578) This power allows you to send whale themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (578 - NARWHAL) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (narwhal.dead#*dead*) (narwhal.eat#Yummy!) (narwhal.gotcha#Got ya!) (narwhal.happy#Lunch time!) (narwhal.water#Hello!) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (narwhal.eat#So delicious!) (narwhal.water#Surprise!) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (narwhal.eat#So delicious!#7599a7#477a89) (narwhal.water#Surprise!#white#black) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (narwhal.eat#Yummy!) That's good! If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
NEVA (ID: 573) This power allows you to send Snowman themed stickers. Notes: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (573 - NEVA) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (neva.gift) (neva.hello) (neva.hehe) (neva.hey) (neva.no) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (neva.hey#nxat) (neva.gift#presents) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (neva.hey#nxat#FFFFFF#000000) (neva.gift#present#000000#FFFFFF) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (neva.gifts#present#000000#FFFFFF) No gifts this year for you. If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you. Wiki page: https://util.nxat.eu/Neva
KRIS (ID: 571) This power allows you to send christmas themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (571 - KRIS) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (kris.dashing#Hello!) (kris.hohoho#HOHOHO!) (kris.judging#Hmm) (kris.surprise#I'm here!) (kris.thanks#Thanks!) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (kris.dashing#I'm coming!) (kris.judging#A bad boy huh?) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (kris.dashing#I'm coming!#FFFFFF#000000) (kris.judging#A bad boy huh?#000000#FFFFFF) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (kris.judging#Bad boy?#000000#FFFFFF) No gifts this year. If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
KING (ID: 570) This power allows you to send lion themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (570 - KING) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (king.lol#HAHA!) (king.love#Love you!) (king.omg#OMG!) (king.relax#Chillin!) (king.shock#Really?) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (king.lol#Funny!) (king.shock#For real?) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (king.lol#Funny!#red#blue) (king.shock#For real?#e59400#b27300) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (king.relax#Chillin!) Having a good time! If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you. King stickers creator: @Bryan.
MYTHY (ID: 561) This power allows you to send unicorn themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (561 - mythy) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (mythy.hangon#hangon) (mythy.whee#whee) (mythy.thanks#thanks) (mythy.relax#relax) (mythy.pout#pout) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (mythy.thanks#come here!) (mythy.relax#sleeping time!) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (mythy.thanks#come here!#cyan#yellow) (mythy.relax#sleeping time!#ffff00#f9daee) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. @Bryan For example: (mythy.relax#sleeping time!) Having a nap guys! If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you. Mythy Stickers Creator: Bryan.
COUPLE (ID: 558) This power allows you to send love themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (558 - couple) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (couple.kiss#kiss) (couple.loveu#love u) (couple.inlove#in love) (couple.love#love) (couple.luvu#luv u) (couple.hug#hug) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (couple.kiss#I love you!) (couple.hug#I love you!) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (couple.hug#I love you!#cyan#yellow) (couple.hug#I love you!#ffff00#f9daee) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (couple.kiss#I love you!) You're my everything! If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
MAX (ID: 556) This power allows you to send cat themed stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (556 - max) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (max.ouch#ouch!) (max.fish#blub) (max.thx#thanks) (max.sleep#zZz) (max.no#noo) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (max.fish#Hello nxat!) (max.thx#Hello nxat!) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (max.thx#Hi nxat!#cyan#yellow) (max.thx#Hi nxat!#ffff00#f9daee) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (max.sleep#zZz) Time to sleep guys! If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
NAT (ID: 553) This power allows you to send anime girl stickers - short for natalie. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (553 - nat) and have days to use stickers. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (nat.yes#yea!) (nat.why#eh?) (nat.love#kissx) (nat.cry#boohoo) (nat.no#OH NO!) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (nat.yes#Hello nxat!) (nat.why#Hello nxat!) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (nat.yes#Hi nxat!#cyan#yellow) (nat.yes#Hi nxat!#ffff00#f9daee) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (nat.love#Hello nxat!) How are you guys doing today? If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
Fido (ID: 548) - beta This power allows you to send dog stickers. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power (548 - Fido) and have days to use stickers. This feature is still in beta. Sending a sticker To send a sticker, simply use one of these codes: (fido.yes#yea!) (fido.hi5#hi!) (fido.love#kissx) (fido.cry#boohoo) (fido.no#OH NO!) Custom text You can add a custom text to your sticker. To do so, change the content after the ‘#’. For example: (fido.yes#nxat!) (fido.hi5#Hi nxat!) Note: Sticker code must be added at the beginning of the message for it to show up. Text color You can also specify the inner and outer text color of your sticker. For example: (fido.yes#Hi nxat!#cyan#yellow) (fido.yes#Hi nxat!#ffff00#f9daee) Sticker with message The sticker can also be sent with a message. For example: (fido.love#Hi nxat!#cyan#yellow) How are you guys doing today? If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
Category (ID: 545) This power allows you to categorize your friendlist. Note: This power was made for the HTML5 chat only. It will NOT work on the Flash chat. You need to own the power and have days for this feature to work (later on ?new). For testing, you don't need the power and you can use this link to test it: https://xat.com/content/boxKe578d3cb/embed.html?n=xat5 More updates were added on this chat version. Changelog will be posted soon. Settings Adding Categories Click on your name and move into “Settings”. You will see the “Category” tab at the very right. Simply type a name and click on “Add Category”. The new category will then be shown on the friendlist. Category Position You can also change the category position by dragging and dropping the category field. Removing Categories For removing a category, click and hold the category field and drop it at the bottom right - into the bin. Friendlist For moving friends in or out of categories, open the friendlist, then simply drag and drop their name to the respective position. If you have any questions, want to report an issue or leave your feedback, please feel free to do so below. Thank you.
In order to keep you up to date, you will be informed about the changes of the Nxat Mobile applications here, this will be updated every time there is a new public version (betas excluded). To see the version number in the mobile app, click at More > Settings. If it doesn't show the latest version, you may have not downloaded the latest update. Bugs: If you want to report a bug, you can do so here: https://forum.xat.com/bug-tracker/mobile-applications/ Feedback: If you want to leave your feedback or make a suggestion, you can do so here: https://forum.xat.com/forum/8-mobile/ iOS (Apple App Store) - New app store coming soon Android (Google Play Store) Download: https://nxat.eu/Download_File/Nxat_Chat_v1.3.1.apk
NOTE: This changelog is no longer used. Please see: nxat.wiki/changelog -------------- This topic documents the development and new features of nxat's chat and web. Bug: If you want to report a bug, you can do so here: https://forum.xat.com/bug-tracker/ Read about public beta stage here. Visit public beta group: nxat.eu/nxat Changelog - Version 1.58 (December 9, 2021) NOTE: Web changes may not be available during public beta. Chat New: From Quickbar, you can now simply assign group powers. Note, this will be improved further in future. Powers: Superkick has been implemented. Improvements and changes: On ban window, gamebans are now listed separately. I letter will now show as i on user dialog. Bug fixes: Sometimes messages in private chat would not be sent to the other user. You can now dunce the same rank. When being banned by redcard, the duration would display Forever instead of the actual duration. Quoting an empty message with a quoted message would result in a broken quote. When using /go command or clicking on a buddy chat, the smiley bar would not update accordingly. When changing the language on the web, the chat language sometimes became empty instead of applying the same language. Certain pawns from Super-collections would not show. Web New: Gstyle group power. More information here. New search page has been implemented. nxat.eu/search. New animation convert tool is available. You can now also add GIFs directly instead of having to use an URL. nxat.eu/animate. New mobile device confirmation page has been done. Improvements and changes: When closing tabs at the bottom on groups, they will now remain closed even after page refresh until re-opened. On nxatspace, the flagname will now be visible upon flag mouse-over. On smaller screens, the navbar will automatically disappear when you scroll down. On nxat powers store, the featured tab has been removed. “All” powers are now shown by default while being sorted from latest to oldest. Caching has also been improved. Rankpool character length has been limited to 19. On mobile, the promoted chat on homepage will no longer show up. Instead, a different way to showcase the promotion has been added. Bug fixes: New close icon was missing on Trade app, this has been fixed. When editing tabs on editgroup while being in code view mode in the editor, saving would not work. An indication is now displayed. See older changelog:
New: Block user ability. Also mobile! Blocking is done after clicking on the user from here: After blocking: The user will no longer be shown on the visitors list for you, neither their messages will appear. If you’re a moderator/owner, you will see the user as “Blocked user”. If it was a friend, they will also be removed from the friendlist. The blocked user will not be able to send you a private chat/message, marriage/BFF and gifts or make a transfer. The blocked user will not be able to see any of your information such as friend status, homepage, gifts, or avatar. Only your regname/ID and powers information will be visible. Read more about the Block feature. Improvements and changes: Group powers manager has been re-designed. Also mobile! In Quickbar, there is now a “More” option. Clicking on it will display “Ignored” and “Blocked" options, to view and remove a user from these lists. Bug fixes: Settings page was not saving or behaving incorrectly at times. Right to left appearance setting was not working properly. Command that was set with /o for smilies would be removed after login. PWA (Mobile): Quickbar is now available on mobile. Web New: You will now see a banner if an old, unused group can be bought. see previous updates.
Nxat has integrated Giphy GIFs in the Nxat chat. Simple to use and a lot of fun! To access it, open Quickbar, and then click "Gifs". This feature is only available for registered users. NOTE: Only available on public beta at nxat.eu/xat for now. See Nxat wiki Changelog for all changes. Open GIFs from Quickbar: Post a gif from the Trending list: Search for your desired GIF: Use the stars to add GIFs to your favorites, or from gifs in the chat: Access your favorites from the star top right: Click on GIFs to enlarge: A setting "Gifs" has been added (General > Appearance) to play gifs on hover/no animation or disabled:
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